Open Letter To The President

Dear Mr. President
I to start by saying that I not one of the millions of uninsured Americans, but this isn’t just about those people. It is also about people like myself who have insurance, but have to spend $200 a month, pay a yearly deductable in the thousands and I still could be denied coverage if I get sick.
So with that, I just want to say that I had hope for this country when you were elected. I will admit I supported Rep. Dennis Kucinich in the primary election and the main reason was his support of single payer health care. I know you were once a supporter of this, but during the election campaign you backed off this position. However, when you won the (democratic) nomination, and even though you were not a support of single payer I decided to cast my vote for you (because, I seriously thought about voting for Nader or McKinney). The main reason was I believed we could not take four more years of the Republicans. When you put health care as a top priority I though my vote was justified.
While I thought a public option was a watered down alterative to single payer, I thought maybe it might lead to a day when the big insurance companies would be out of business and America could finally enter the 21st Century. But, as the summer moved a long it became more apparent that you were going to cave to big insurance (and the tea baggers) and it looks like you have. I mean really guys like Stephen Hemsley (CEO of United Health Group who makes over $100,000 an hour) shouldn’t get a seat at the health care table; his seat should be in a prison cell for all the people he has and his company have let die for denied coverage. Seeing your people on the Sunday talk shows back off the public option was a punch in the gut. Co-op’s won’t work because they have been tried before in the past and failed.
So, with that I felt compelled to write you Mr. President, because I find it amazing that your predecessor (George W. Bush) could get things passed in his last two years in office with a democratic congress and a 28% approval rating. While your administration with a democratic congress and the true majority of Americans on your side you can’t or want get TRUE health care reform passed.
You talk of wanting a bi-partisan bill and said that Sen. Chuck Grassley was working with you but at the same time he was out promoting of idea of “the death panels (which exist now with insurance companies in charge).” I guess the old axiom is true “with friends like that who needs enemies.” Hey, I freely admit I despise the republicans, but I will give them their do, they have the conscience of their convections and will fight for it, unlike the democrats, whom I have found to be just spineless. Bush would have looked at democrats and said you’re going to pass my bill and guess what they would have.
So, for this American, Mr. President, the “health care reform” that it looks like we are going to get will not be health care reform at all, but just a cash grab for big insurance companies like United Health and regular Americans will continue to be denied coverage, go into bankruptcy and in a lot of case die because of lack of care. So, just know that you and the democrats (except for progressives like Kucinich) have lost my support, let see if republicans will make up the difference. Thank you, for your time, and thanks for selling out the Real America.


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