Obama Speach Before School kids

I kind had forgotten to blog this week. I had finally received my Bernice Summerfield – The Inside Story book (after a five-year wait) and between this book and GTA 4, my attention has been somewhat diverted. Then my wife came home and told me about this stuff with President Obama speaking before kids today about doing well and staying in school.
I will admit, I had heard about Glen Beck accusing the President of trying to brainwash children. I just took at Beck being what he is a right-wing lunatic. However, I should have known that where there is smoke there will be fire and if Fix Noise oh, I am sorry Fox News is involved I should have known they started the fire and would be fanning the flames.
So, what is really at work here is not only because we have a democratic President. That is part of what is going on, remember we impeached President Clinton over oral sex and President Bush broke the law over and over and with impunity and was encourged by most right wingers. No, this goes deeper, this about the man who holds the office now, President Obama.
We saw this during the campaign over and over at McCain/Palin rallies. In her speeches, Palin would insinuate that Obama was a terrorist and not a “real American.” You would here people yelling a lot of the same things we here today at town halls and on talk radio. These very feelings continue for examples with the Birthers (people who believe Obama is not a real American).
Let just be honest, a large part of the country can not take an African American as president. So, what we get are the birthers and other people yelling Obama is Muslim, communist, fascist or all the above(I have news for the right-wing nuts out there, communist and fascist are not the same thing there actually diametrically opposed to each other, just do some research). I mean we have had people openly hoping he fails or in some cases dies.
Just image when Bush was President what would happen if he was treated this way, oh I forgot, people whom disagreed with Bush were not let into town hall meetings and those who did get in and showed opposition were arrested. Fast forward to now and you can bring a loaded gun to an Obama rally. Oh, and the type of speech that we hear from Beck and Rush Limbaugh got you banned from the radio when Bush was in power, just remember the Dixie Chicks.
So, if Bush was making a speech before school kids and someone said what the opponents of Obama have said, what would they be called traitors or un-American?. Again we know this to be true, because it happened that way. God forbid if a teacher or an administrator had acted like some in the Obama debate, they would be looking for a new job. A course a Christian right-winger would tell you there is a difference, Bush was chosen by God and Obama wasn’t.
That is the rub, on all of these issue it comes down to people on the right having been given the truth by God and the rest of us serve Satan. So they are “standing up” to Obama because they are God believing holders of the truth, So, Bush was chose by God to be President and Obama is Satan’s pawn, even though or because he was chosen by a majority of the American people.


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